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About us

About our company:

Our company is called Praktika Fire Protection Company, which has been dealing with fire protection since 1975. Our name was changed a few times, but the profile remained.
The Praktika Fire Protection Company has been working as an independent company since 1st of April 1991.
The owner, who is called József Hencsik, directed the company until 2010. He prefered the trustworthiness, the profession, the quality and the precision in all situation. Furthermore he got on with his employees very well.
His son, Gábor Hencsik took over the management of the company in 2010. Due to the continuous reforms, it has already become the Hungarian reperesentative of a famous foreign company which deals with producing of fire protection devices. He demonstrated the profit of his father's point of view what he picked up from him.
The company improved more and more over the years, and due to the continuous researches it became a determinative representative in Hungary with the price-ratio value.
On the other hand, I would like to highlight that a very perfect team works by our company, the members of the company try to achieve the best always in all situation. The best evidence of the reliability is that 4 people have retired from Praktika Company, who started their work ages by us.